VBT# Of Thunder and Amethyst - KC Silver

Review: Of Thunder and Amethyst - The Weather Court Gem Series - KC Silver - November 2024 After the last two days not reading anything and then this morning trying a range of books and nothing grabbing me, I moved on to an ARC from Luna Literary Management PR and I finally found a book that I loved this morning. Of Thunder and Amethyst gave me vibes of an adult version of The School for Good and Evil with themes of other dystopian books I had read that included games and trials like The Hunger Games. In Of Thunder and Amethyst, every year there is an event called The Undertaking in which 8 people from the 8 villages are chosen to compete for the Heart and survive the Undertaking to save their village and bring it prosperity for the upcoming year till the next games. For Karmine, she is a legacy as her mother and father both participated in the Undertaking when they were 22 years old and her mother won it and holds the record for finding the "heart" the fastest. With a mum ...