VBT# Stupid Love - Cindy Miles

Review: Stupid Love - Book #3 Stupid Love Series - Cindy Miles - September 2015
Author Cindy Miles is back with Book #3 in the Stupid Love series and this time the relationship and romance is between Memory and Jace. What I loved about this book was that unlike other new adult romances that I have read , it wasn't the guy doing all the work and chasing around - in Stupid Love it was the girl. This made a nice change of perspective for the reader as when you are as big of a reader as I am , often when things are the same - you have a ho-hum attitude about the book.
The other thing readers need to know is that this is yet another Cancer story as we meet Memory who is a fighter and a bit of a daredevil, go-getter as she has learned the hard way that life can be a fleeting thing and disappear in a moment as when she was a child, she had cancer and went into remission. All has been well and now she is off in College , where she meets Jace. Jace is a little bit older than your average College guy, but that's because his schooling days were spent partying and sleeping with whomever he desired . Now because of his actions , his life is filled with routine of Study, Work, Eat and Sleep and he is busy paying now for his mistakes.
In Stupid Love , Memory and Jace meets and soon begins a game of Cat and Mouse as Memory pursues Jace . Things finally get on between the two of them as you can read as the chemistry bounces from the pages. Things go great until the Big "C" comes back and now Memory's symptoms are getting worse. How long can Memory keep her illness a secret before her friends and Jace find out the truth , that she is a ticking time bomb ?
Find out in "Stupid Love" Book #3 of the Stupid Love Series by Cindy Miles.
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