VBT# Race Girl - Leigh Hutton

First off so that readers do not get confused as I did , this is not part of the children's series Go Girls. It's part of a different series with a similar name - Go Girls Chronicles.  The other thing is each book in The Go Girls Chronicles can be read as a stand-alone story as they each feature a different girl and sport. In Race Girl , as you can guess from the cover - the sport is Equestrian and Horse-riding.  Those young tweens and teens that live in New Zealand and Australia, will love Race Girl as it is set at the heart of the biggest racing event in the Southern Hemisphere - the Melbourne Cup . Where the best of the best horses from around the two countries come and compete to win the title. One of those female jockeys that won the title was Michelle Payne. This book features Tully Athens who is sixteen years old and dreams of winning the Melbourne Cup and being amongst one of the few females to win. When her dad's horse business starts to lose money to their competition , Tully decides that it's time she stops sulking around - since her mother died she hasn't been on a horse in six months and focus on not only her dreams once again but also of saving her family farm. During this time , she falls in love with the competition - a boy named Brandon Weston. His family are the one's who are putting hers out of business and wants to buy the Athens farm. Both have dreams of winning the Melbourne Cup, but of course there can only be one winner ? Will this race not only destroy their friendship and forbidden romance or will it be the race that will pull the families together to work as one in order to win ?
Personally, I found Race Girl to be a bit of a struggle to read as I normally like fast-paced novels and I found the writing style of Race Girl to be at a slow pace than I am used to.  However, I believe if you are aged 9-14 years old , then you will really enjoy "Race Girl" by Leigh Hutton.



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