Review: Hidden Lies - Kristin Coley

Hidden Lies (#2)

Review: Hidden Lies - Book #2 Hidden Series - Kristin Coley - December 2016

I have to admit at. First I was looking forward to this book as I loved the first one and the whole idea behind it, as those who know me would know that I loved shows like Medium and Ghost Whisperer. However, as I started this book it started to grate on my nerves as the relationship between Jake and Addie and her friendships with Connor, Jules, etc. took over the main gist of the novel. We still had the missing person story lines and the danger, but I felt that it was underplayed and that it was all look at my relationship with blah, blah, and Connor and Jules should I or shouldn't I?  This disappointed me as I wanted a good mystery novel where Addie's abilities could be used and played on a bit more, but I found that since she was with Jake properly in this book he was too protective of her and it made the story more about her relationship with Jake rather than her ability.  I am debating now whether to continue with this series if there is a book #3 released or whether to give it a miss as could it only get worse? 


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