VBT# The Funeral Flower - Michelle Jester

The Funeral Flower

Review: The Funeral Flower - Michelle Jester - June 2017
This was a bit of a confusing read in the sense where the story just seemed to move through the ages, and nothing substantial seemed to happen with the plot and story. The book starts with the main character Kelly's grandparent dying and then she starts to get very depressed and to the point where she shuts down. She gets into quite a dark spot for someone so young. While out in her backyard one day, she meets Ty and the pair of them start chatting through the fence. He is visiting his grandmother and comes for the public holidays. Over the next few years, the pair will continue to chat away, leave each other notes and presents. They will become fence buddies. That is until Kelly and her family move away. In their new town, Kelly will start to discover her feelings for boys and one in particular James. The book then has her going through her relationship with James and then a pregnancy scare. Kelly always figured if she didn't love, she would never get hurt but her heart doesn't want a piece of it and so she falls head over heels for James. Her next boyfriend Matt - I loved the twist with this one, and it made me happy. But can Kelly truly love Matt when her heart still aches for James? Much of the novel focuses on how significant events impacted Kelly's life and how, as an adult, she finally recognizes the growth from the experiences.
The Funeral Flower is a coming of age story and written from Kelly's perspective as she grows through the years. This book would be what I would put under the category of a literary read rather than a YA or NA romance.


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