Review: Pained - Vera Hollins

Review: Pained - Book #2 Bullied Series - Vera Holins - March 2020 At the end of Book #1, we saw Sarah making a hard choice to leave Hayden Black and started dating Matteo. Book #2 starts with a past scene of Sarah and her mother Patricia being beaten up by her mother's boyfriend Brad at the time. The book then jumps to three years later which is the present time. Sarah is trying to move on with her life and wishing that her feelings will develop for Matteo but she can't help loving Hayden despite his bullying and treating her terribly. We remember from Book #1 that Hayden has BPD aka Borderline Personality Disorder and Pained focuses more on the emotional level of both Sarah and Hayden. Just as Sarah is getting used to Hayden ignoring her, the bullying starts back up and couldn't have come at the worst time as Brad who turns out to be Coach Benner's brother has turned up in Enfield and wants Sarah's mother back and will do anything to finish ...