Review: Message Not Found - Dante Medema

Review: Message Not Found - Dante Medema - March 2022

This book had captured my attention as who wouldn't want to chat with someone they loved after they have passed. I know as someone who has had several people in my family who have passed including my mum, I would do anything to be able to chat to them or at least feel like I was. The theme of this book is about setting up a chatbot AI for someone who has passed, so you can feel like they are still here and chat with them and relive memories. If you watch NCIS, you would see this featured on an episode as well as they were trying to solve the female's murder and her AI version of herself helped. For Bailey, her best friend Vanessa died leaving her house - the events surrounding her death though don't add up as she died on the pass which was out of her way and she left Bailey's to go home earlier than she said. As the book goes on we read as the different characters try to process Vanessa's death but as Bailey chats and inputs Vanessa's phone, Mason's phone, and her laptop into the app - will Bailey like what she finds out as she learns Vanessa kept quite a few secrets from her and one of them could be viewed as the ultimate betrayal to their friendship that Bailey assumed had been perfect.  Message Not Found is a powerful read as it does leave you thinking about what you would do if you lost someone you loved? If you have read The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler, then you will find this book in the same vein as I did.



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