Review: At the Speed of Lies - Cindy L. Otis

Review: At the Speed of Lies - Cindy L. Otis - June 2023

Scrolling on my Libby App, I was looking for a book to read and tried a couple but they were both DNF, and At the Speed of Lies by Cindy L. Otis was a third-time lucky read. This book I went in blind and enjoyed it. The book starts with Quinn taking photos, she is in her second to last year of high school and runs an Instagram account called The Whine. During this time, she also meets Asher - a new student at the school. In the student fair, run by Cade - a bully towards Quinn is hosting a stand called Defend Kids aka D3. He mentions two children who have been kidnapped. It sounds all good, but as the book goes along and Quinn tweets about the case, she finds her numbers going up exponentially and her posts going viral. What happens though when the tweets and social media pictures end up spiralling out of control? At the Speed of Lies by Cindy L. Otis was a thought-provoking read and showed readers just how easy information can spiral out of control and is a great tool to show the difference between misinformation and disinformation. After finishing this book, it was a great time for reflection on conspiracy theories and how easy it is to hear and read something and then fall the rabbit hole with the snippet and get deeper and stuck with that belief. Reading At The Speed of Lies also reminded me of a book that I read over 10 years ago called The Wave by Todd Strasser and The Stanford Prison Experiment Tale.



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