Review: Cross Down - (Alex Cross Series) - James Patterson and Brendan Dubois

Alex Cross Books in Order (James Patterson): Complete List

Review: Cross Down - Book #31 Alex Cross Series - James Patterson and Brendan Dubois -June 2023

As a long-time fan of the Alex Cross series, I was surprised to see a collaboration with this one as it has normally always been a James Patterson standalone series. However, as I got reading it - I understood the collaboration as though this is Book #31 in the Alex Cross series, it is more a book focused on John Sampson which was pretty neat for a change as he has always been a side character - an extension of Alex Cross and his family. The book also featured Ned Mahoney from the FBI who we have also seen in other Alex Cross books. Cross Down starts with a group of tops in the law field getting together with the President as a series of random terrorist attacks are wreaking havoc on the US. Alex of course knows that they aren't random but the day he goes to share, he and John find themselves amid gunfire and Alex is shot - hence the title "Cross Down". Alex ends up in ICU and fighting for his life, John does what Alex normally would have done and heads to save the day and find out what is happening. Turns out that John was the target, not Alex, and that someone is killing off the members that were involved in a secret CIA military operation in Afghanistan years ago. John teams up with a couple of people from the operation to learn what happened over there. Will John be shocked at what he discovers? As the book goes along, John realizes that he can't trust anyone except for Alex and their FBI friend Ned Mahoney. Can the three of them save the day and save the President from making a big mistake and trusting the wrong military to save America from utter chaos? Find out in another action-packed adventure of the Alex Cross Saga. As always, I love reading the Alex Cross series as I get snippets of the other Cross family members who I have read and seen grow up from Books #1 to now Book #31 including John's daughter Willow.



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