VBT# Chaperoning Paris - Victoria Pinder

Review: Chaperoning Paris - Book #1 Collins Brothers Series - Victoria Pinder - June 2014

Sean Collins loved his teacher's job until it was discovered that he had Cancer and was ultimately fired from his job.  Leaving the job and trying to get better , during this time Sean resented the principal and vowed to make him pay for unfairly dismissing him. Now months later Sean is in remission and beating Cancer and even better he has come up with the perfect way to get revenge on the Principal of the school he worked at. As Sean Collins is also wealthy , he has brought the school and the day he goes in to hand deliver the news he is about to get the shock of his life as the only other person he detested more than the principal is Gigi Dumont , she is the one who got away and the girl who broke his heart - his high school sweetheart. Turns out that for the time that Sean has been away from the high school Gigi has taken up a teaching position as the French teacher and now the French class has an amazing opportunity to go to Paris, but of course the Principal is turning her down. Within five minutes of Sean turning up - Sean fires the current Principal and takes his position and Gigi's French trip is all set but what will happen when one of the male chaperone's pulls out and Gigi can't find a replacement - without the chaperone the school trip is cancelled. Sean ends up heading to Paris with Gigi and it's during this time that the pair of them get to reunite and rediscover what love they had for each other and in the duration of the trip try and rectify what went wrong and what happened those many moons ago. 
If you have a thing for the "French" and dream of heading to Paris as well as Contemporary Romances , then check out Chaperoning Paris by Victoria Pinder.


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