Review: Forgiveness and Permission - Book #4 The Academy - CL Stone

Review: Forgiveness and Permission - The Academy - Book #4 The Ghost Bird Series - C.L Stone - October 2013
Before writing this review, I
do have to admit that I have enjoyed this series to date and am enjoying it and
want to see what happens but for some reason Forgiveness and Permission drove
me freaking cray-cray, and I wanted to scream at this book and to be honest, I
think there was a bit of shaking the Ipad as well . Parts of this one just frustrated the hell out of me. So
to catch up, Sang's mother is now in the hospital, and her father has run off. We still
don't know too much about Sang's birth mother.
Sang and her older sister Marie are fending for themselves and trying to keep
up appearances. The Academy boys have been stepping up to the plate and helping
and spending more time with Sang. We also saw in this book a bit more
introduction of Derrick, Micah, and Tom -
the neighbors. As the year is
getting by and of course hormones are raging,
the boys are all falling in love, and
some more than others are developing strong feelings for Sang. Of course,
she can't just date one of them - it's all or nothing as North and Blackbourne
are about to learn when they go to visit someone whose Academy team made it
work with a Bird, however, in their case, it was four guys and one girl not nine
guys and one girl. I felt in this book that Sang was just playing with
the boy's emotions and not caring about
them. It's like be honest, how many times do they need to save you for you to
trust them and HELLO - tell them everything as they will find out eventually.
Can Sang work with the boys and love them all equally to make things work or will this be the turning point in Sang's
life where she seriously needs to make a decision and an ultimatum and stop
messing everyone around her lives up,
just because hers sucks doesn't mean everyone else
does? I think it might have been
the whole one-sided relationship of this book that frustrated me or the fact of
playing games with people's emotions and hearts but it would have to be my
worst Academy read in the series so far. I honestly have not felt so worked up
about a book in ages, but this one I
think worked me up more as I do love the boys and care about them but
desperately want Sang to get over her freaking naivety
ARGH. After that little rant, I am however looking forward to seeing how
it develops and YAY - the boys Luke and North finally have their diner
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