Review: Jayne Doe - Jamie Brook Thompson

Review: Jayne Doe - Jamie Brook Thompson - April 2013
There once was a family who lived in a trailer park. A mum who
was an alcoholic and had several boyfriends coming and going , three daughters
- one who was a slut, one - the nicest girl around and someone who would go
places and the baby of the family and last but not least - a son who a jerk and
the kind of guy you expect to grow up in a trailer park. The middle
daughter Jayne loved her baby sister Jill and would do anything for her; often it was like Jayne was Jill's mother
despite their close age-gap. Jayne had a boyfriend Johnny who was wealthy and
his family in law enforcement. Johnny, however,
was a sicko, and after reading this book, I will have to warn you that you will
never look at a packet of crayons especially not a purple one again. During
this book, there is an incident of sexual
abuse, and then it leads to death. The coroner believes that Jill died of asthma, but Jayne and an old family friend Cody
who now works in Autopsy believes otherwise. During Jayne Doe, we read as Cody
tries to figure out what happened to Jill and we read as Jill who is currently
stuck on earth as a ghost tries to let Jayne know what her boyfriend is really
like. What will happen though when Jayne ends up pregnant? Will she stay with Johnny for the sake of the baby or
when his true colors are revealed will Cody swoop in to save Jayne
from the same fate as Jill? Jayne Doe was
an edgy book which reminded me of the book/movie The Lovely Bones where the one
who died was still able to walk the earth till her killer was caught. If you are in the mood for a
crime/mystery read, then check out Jayne Doe by Jamie Brook Thompson today.

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