Review: Project Killer - J.L Beck

Review: Project Killer - Book #1 Project Series - J.L Beck - June 2015
I was in the mood the other day at work for a darker type
book and something with a suspense level as needed that blood pumping. Another
book that I had sitting on my Kindle was Project Killer - that cover attracted
me and drew me in. I wasn't sure what it would be about, but it just had that premise of being suspenseful. The book, however, turned a different angle that
what I expected, I had in mind an assassin of sorts novel, and it was in a way. The book starts off with two best
friends Maggie and Diesel at primary school and then high school. Diesel, we learn is dying and has Cancer. The
book then jumps to the present times where we discover that Diesel died seven
years ago and now Maggie is working at a Pharmaceutical
company with the hopes of eventually being able to work in the labs as after
Diesel died she made sure her goal was to one day create or help collaborate a
cure for Cancer. While out clubbing one night with her work colleagues, she
sees a guy and turns pale as she can't be seeing what she is looking at? The guy in front of her looks like
her best friend Diesel, but he supposedly
died seven years ago? We learn that the
company Maggie works at isn't what it seems and that the drug testing is being used on humans who no longer exist, they
have also had their past lives and memories wiped. However, Diesel aka Killer can't stop memories of a girl only known
to him as Maggie from flooding in his memory bank.
What happens when these two old friends find themselves in the same place at
the same time and hidden truths, lies and secrets are revealed? Can the pair save themselves and one another and OMG
that ending, I did not see that coming
and now I am intrigued to read Book #2? I
think if it weren't for the cliffhanger
ending and twist of Project Killer, I wouldn't be bothering to persevere with
the rest of this series as it was a little too
cliche, cheesy and predictable in parts
for my liking.

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