Review: Love in Due Time - LB Dunbar

Love in Due Time (Green Valley Library, #1)

Review: Love in Due Time - Book #1 Green Valley Public Library Series - L.B Dunbar - October 2019

I had been looking forward to reading this book for a couple of reasons. Reason A) It was a Smartypants Romance, B) It is about a librarian and C) the Green Valley is where the Winston Brothers were based, so I knew my chances of seeing them in this particular story would have been medium to high. Love in Due Time is about a librarian named Naomi Winters, she is single and nearing her forties and has only ever loved one man - Nate aka Nathan Ryder. The thing is though that she has never let herself ever get close to someone as she believes she is cursed and that if she falls for a man and he kisses her then tragedy will occur. So instead, she let her hair grow out to gray and hides in her black clothes and lets the town of Green Valley believe she is a spinster witch. When deep down, she is a single librarian who is hurting and won't let anyone get close to her as the last person she let in died which was Bethany Winston - her librarian mentor. This made me sad as I remember reading in one of the Winston Brother books that she was ill and Love in Due Time is set six years after her death as she is mentioned a few times. Nathan Ryder is back in town with his two daughters - a town he vowed never to set foot back in after a run-in with the Iron Wraiths - the MC Gang. Years ago he was set to patch in but met a gorgeous girl and was late to the ceremony. That girl was Naomi and he has never forgotten her.  Can Nathan regain Naomi's love and help her to believe that she is capable of being loved and that she definitely isn't cursed? As a fellow Librarian, what I really loved about this book was that each of the chapters was named after Dewey Decimal Classifications - this resonated with the librarian nerd in me. Love in Due Time by LB Dunbar had not only Books, Libraries, Romantic Comedy, Romance and Families but also a Suspense, Stalking and Bullying side to the book. There is something for everyone, just like a Library with L.B Dunbar's Smartypants Romance - Love In Due Time.


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