Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Loved But Haven't Reviewed

Today's TTT is Books I Have Loved But Not Reviewed . As I have only been writing reviews for the past ten years of books I have read and have been a voracious reader, there are quite a few books I have loved and not reviewed. All these books would have been read and enjoyed 10 + years ago.
The Thirteenth Tale Sundays at Tiffany's
Blue Bloods (Blue Bloods, #1)Vampire Kisses (Vampire Kisses, #1)
 Where Rainbows EndCan You Keep a Secret?
The Historian


  1. The Memory Keeper's Daughter was such a good read.

    My TTT .

  2. I loved Nineteen Minutes too but didn't review it either as I hadn't started my blog yet.
    My TTT:

  3. Jodi Picoult has written so many good books.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. I'm a big Jodi Picoult fan. I've read and enjoyed most of her books.

    Happy TTT!

  5. The only one I’ve read is Twilight which I loved back then!

  6. Great list. I've heard "Can You Keep a Secret" is good.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday list this week.

  7. Same for Nineteen Minutes, Twilight, The Thirteenth Tale, and Sundays at Tiffany's. Great list!

    My TTT.


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