Review- The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix

Review: The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires - Grady Hendrix - April 2020

This particular book, I tried a few years ago and couldn't get into it. However this year, I found myself getting into a few of Grady Hendrix's books and decided to give this one another read. This time I managed to enjoy it and push my way through the book. The book starts with a Southern Book Club group of friends who decide to start their book clubs by reading a mixture of classics and then true crime stories like Helter Skelter and The Stranger Beside Me. During this time Patricia's MIL Mrs. Mary comes to live with her, she is suffering from Dementia. During this time, their neighbor has passed away and her nephew James Harris has come to live in the house and clear it out. At first, James is very nice and inviting and charming but things start to get a bit odd as Mrs Mary is convinced he is someone she knew from her past Hoyt Pickens, and that Hoyt was involved in missing children.  Patricia is starting to have those same thoughts about James especially when she witnesses it with her own eyes. The thing though is that no one will believe her and her husband and friends blame it on the murderous books that she has been reading and that her fantasies are clashing with reality. When the pressure gets too much, we read as Patricia tries to take her own life. Has she been driven to CrazyTown by James or is she the only one who can see what is happening? Too bad that Patricia already invited James into her house as now he can just waltz in when he feels like it. The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix is what you get when you cross reality with fantasy - a magical realism tale. This book also will give the reader 80's and early 90s vibes with some of the references throughout. As a reader, it has also made me want to re-read The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule - the crime book that made her famous as she was work acquaintances with serial killer Ted Bundy at the hotline they worked at. To conclude and think about "How well do you know your neighbors and the people you hang around with ?".




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