
Showing posts from February, 2012


VOTE FOR THE PHANTOM PARAGRAPHER 2012 Fascination Award Emblems Congratulations on your nomination for The Most Fascinating Blog in 2012, Category: Librarian Blogs . The Fascination Awards are an annual collection of the webā€™s most inspirational and thought-provoking blogs and are nominated by our editorial team and voted on by our readers. We know that all blogs are not created equal, so we want to recognize websites that go above and beyond, providing truly engaging content for their visitors. Again, congratulations on your nomination! So Readers, to support me in this conquest - Please Vote for Me :) VOTING LINK : - Scroll down till you read

Review: Firethorn - Ronie Kendig

I don't normally read and review Military fiction on my site , it's not that I have anything against it - I adore the TV Show ArmyWives and those action type films like A-Team but I have found the writing and plot hard to get into until now , it still was a tad difficult for me to read but it was by far one of the most enjoyable I have read. Review: Firethorn - Book #4 Discarded Heroes - Ronie Kendig - January 2012 When it comes to genres , I'm not normally a military genre chick .For me , in order to get into it , it needs to be thrilling, fast-paced and not too confusing . I have enjoyed the likes of Lee Child , Howard Gordon, Douglas Preston and now I have a new name to add to my list Ronie Kendig. His military book Firethorn was awesome and thrilling as we read the main character on the run for his life -in a way Firethorn reminded me alot of the second part of the film "The A-Team" which I loved that film and ended up buying it on DVD. In Firethorn, we are ...

Review: Wish Upon a Star - Sarah Morgan

It's Christmas time in Chick-lit Ville with Sarah Morgan's 2011 release "Wish Upon A Star" Review: Wish Upon a Star - Sarah Morgan - October 2011 It's Christmas time and the snow is falling , it should be one of the most romantic times of the year but for four people it isn't though with the Christmas joyous season, their lucks are about to change. Wish upon a star contains two stories both set in the Lakes District ( home of Beatrix Potter) . The first is Christy and Alessandro's tale ,  a few months ago Christy was fed up and decided to up and leave and take the children with her to London to stay with her brother Pete. Expecting , Alesssandro to come chasing afterwards , she stayed but alas he never came. Angry, she thinks he doesn't want to save their marriage but when her two children Kate and Ben want to go home for Christmas Christy tag-alongs. However, Kate and Ben have only one wish this christmas - to get their parent's back together...

Becoming Fearless - Michelle Aguilar

Have you noticed that once people have been on Reality TV Shows, that their lives seem to encounter many amazing opportunites. I never really had thought anything about it until reading First Date by Krista McGee - a fictional christian based reality TV show novel but then I started to look around and well it's true , a way to get noticed whether good or bad is to star on Reality TV. In this synopsis I bring you a book written by Michelle Aguilar , all about her christian journey and experiences with her lifestyle etc. Michelle Aguilar - this is where the reality TV part comes in was the winner of the Season Six of weight loss show "The Biggest Loser" where particpants enter to lose the most weight. ļ»æ Synopsis: Becoming Fearless - Michelle Aguilar - October 2011 As the Season 6 winner of The Biggest Loser, Michelle Aguilar goes beyond her grand-prize victory to inspire readers to overcome fear . In Becoming Fearless, readers will discover Aguilar's motivation...

Review: Rose's Pledge - Dianna Crawford and Sally Laity

Looking for a historical Christian fiction novel ? Check out one of Barbour's January releases :) Review: Rose's Pledge - Harwood House Book #1 - Dianna Crawford and Sally Laity- January 2012 Rose has always been the responsible sister and when a constable arrives on her families doorstep looking for her father as he is to be arrested for unpaid debts , Rose decides to do whatever she can to save her father , so she gathers up all her families property and heads to the Bristol Markets to sell what she can . When she arrives home , her family are distraught as they believe they have been robbed. Rose explains the predicament and how she has managed to save her family but their is one thing she hasn't told her family - in order to get the right amount of money to save her father , she had to sell herself.  We then are transported to a servant sale and it seems that her other sisters have offered to stand beside Rose and raise the money for their family. Mariah is sold to Co...

Review: High Five - Janet Evanovich

Making my way through the Stephanie Plum series , what I find amazing is that I only read the first book because the movie was coming out and to be honest I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy the books but OMG I am actually really enjoying them and I so cannot wait to see the film and see who they have cast as Joe Morelli and Ranger. So readers, I bring you Book #5 - High Five. Review : High Five - Book #5 Stephanie Plum Series - Janet Evanovich - June 2000 Things have been very quiet in the world of Bounty hunter ville , Stephanie is running out of money so she will take whatever case she can including the capture of a little man which will take a turn for the worst when part of his bail agreement till his court date is to stay with Stephanie . If this wasn't enough , she seems to be attracting the attention of alot of males in High Five. From Alan Sempskey, the bank manager - he is one of the people Stephanie has been chatting to for information and leads as the story in Hi...

Review: First Date - Krista McGee

Today's book from Booksneeze is a YA or as we call it in New Zealand , a Teens Novel. I would have to say in terms of a Romance Christian Fiction for Teens , this would have to be one of the best ones I have ever read . ļ»æ Review: First Date - Krista McGee - Jan 2012 When picking e-books to review from Booksneeze, sometimes it is a lucky dip unless the author is one you are familiar with or in this case, the cover of this book looked really good, so I thought I would give it a read and OMG it was amazing and I loved it too bits. If you have ever watched reality TV Shows like Beauty and the Geek or The Bachelor , then it will give you an idea of what First Date is like. Jonathan Jackson, is the son of the President and his father for publicity has chosen 100 girls to compete to win a date with his son to the prom. Each school has sent a representative in and from the small christian school of Tampa, Florida - the principal has chosen Addy. Addy is definitely not the type of girl t...