Review: Carrier of the Mark - Leigh Fallon

Looking for a good teen book to read ? One set in the country of Ireland?
A supernatural element abilities novel ?
Review: The Carrier of the Mark - Book #1 Carrier Trilogy- Leigh Fallon - October 2011
Moving from country to country for Megan wasn't something that was a new thing and when they move from America to Ireland in a way she is just passing time till they have to move again. Megan had wished for a different start, but what will happen she would never have imagined it in her life. Megan is being watched and strange things have been happening to her and worse, the cut that Megan recieved in the car crash that killed her mother all those years ago has been stinging. When a local family of whom there are rumours of witchcraft etc start taking an interest in Megan , we can't help but wonder how is the family connected. We soon discover that the three children in the family each make up an element and Megan who has been marked with the scar has been chosen as the fourth element. Now Megan must learn and develop her powers and keep everything under wraps as for Megan coming into her powers this late is a crucial time as the power evocation period looms close ahead.
What happens when Megan and Adam- another carrier falls in love and discover that it is not their right to be in love ? Will Megan choose power over love or will her and Adam find a  way to work things around - to find a loophole ?


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