Review: Eleven on Top- Janet Evanovich
Have you been following my Stephanie Plum journey for 2012 ? I set off to read Book #1 after watching the movie and fell in sort of love with the series, so I made it one of my missions to read through the series and so readers here I am to bring you on The Phantom Paragrapher Book #11 - Eleven on Top.

Review: Eleven on Top - Book #11 Stephanie Plum Series - Janet Evanovich - June 2006
Stephanie Plum is back and she has had enough with the Bounty Hunter business , so as she does Stephanie tries her hand at several other jobs but as we all know that trouble seems to follow Stephanie no matter where she is - she finds herself still shot at, car blown and in this one even Joe's garage goes ka-boom. With four people dead and a fifth one being searched for Stephanie seems to be recieving notes from a former disgruntled run-in , a blast from her past Spiro - the Trenton burg's funeral director. In Eleven on Top, we see Stephanie take a job for Ranger's security firm and Valerie is all set to marry Albert. What I really enjoyed about this book as usual Grandma Mazur is hilarious with a capital H but in this book the comedy factor between Stephanie, Grandma and her Mum is awesome. This has to be one of the funniest Stephanie Plum books that I have read so far, and some parts were real funny that I had to share it with my friends on our lunch break.
Stay tuned as I bring next to you Book #12 in the Stephanie Plum series.

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