VBT# Inspire - Heather Buchine

Today's VBT# is a Spotlight on Heather Buchine's new "NA" novel "Inspire".
Synopsis: Inspire - Heather Buchine - March 2013

18-year old Paige Rice, an exquisite beauty from East Hampton, NY, has just celebrated her high school graduation and is expecting to spend her summer living it up with all her socialite friends. But her parents have a different idea – she is being hauled away-literally- to the mountains of Vermont for the entire summer- in an RV!
Assuming she will be an outcast amongst the other teens at the campground still does not prepare her for the treatment she receives, which is far worse than she imagined. She also isn’t prepared for Travis, the campground owner’s son and the “Sexiest” guy she has ever laid eyes on. Travis is the only one who shows any interest in getting to know Paige. The only problem is that they have to explore what lies between them in secret. But once all the secrets are stripped away, the truth may be crushing.

***Intended for mature audiences due to language and sexual content***

Goodreads Link : http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17725218-inspire  


The Crush: Meet Jared

I knew Tracey was purely kidding, but I felt bad that she had had to listen to me dwell over my crush for so long. “Sorry,” I said, apologizing for the constant lovesick swooning that I subjected her to every time I saw him. From Tracey’s perspective she probably felt like she was watching a die-hard Justin Bieber fan crying at the very sight of him. I really couldn’t help myself. Jared was gorgeous and every time he would cross the gym during our dance practice to head into the locker room after football practice, I practically did cry, at least my insides cried out for him.
Jared had a routine where he would pull off his jersey just as he would enter the gymnasium doors, then he would run his hands through his shaggy blond hair as he made his way into the locker room. Between his perfectly sculpted, glistening six pack that was begging to be touched, strong arms that looked like they would have no problem pinning me up against the lockers while he thrust me all the way to home field, and his perfectly curved rear that made me want to spank him every time he walked by, I couldn’t help myself.



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