VBT# Sex on The Beach Stop #1 - Between Us - Jen McLaughlin



Review: Between Us - Sex on The Beach Series - Jen McLaughlin - March 2014

 It's Spring Break and America's Sweetheart and Country star Mackenzie Forbes wants to be normal for once and also has one thing on her mind - to finally lose her virginity and hook up with a random guy and have a spring fling with someone that won't be with her just because of who she is.  This spring break Mac has her eye on Austin Murphy , a guy with a bad boy , rocker and tattooed image going on. The two surprisingly hit it off and things go well until their first bump in the road when Austin lets it slip that he knew who she was all along. Will this put a damper on Mackenzie's plans to get to know Austin further as if he omitted that fact , can he be trusted to keep her secret? After silence treatments and many a' discussions, the pair get over that bump and things start to get more hot and heavy until the ultimate betrayal occurs when photos of Austin and Mackenzie are leaked to the tabloids . Was it Austin who leaked the photos or someone else ? Will this be the end of Austin and Mackenzie or will this be the turning point for the two of them to realise that their is something more than just a "spring  break fling" between the two of them ?
Find out in Jen McLaughlin's new book "Between Us" - part of a trio series called "Sex on the Beach".



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