Review: Pretty Little Liars: Secret Talents - Nancy Naigle ( Kindle Worlds)
Review: Pretty Little Liars KW - Secret Talents - Nancy Naigle - June 2013
The countdown is on till Season Five of Pretty Little Liars and as I have been waiting patiently for the series to start , I have been entertaining myself with the Pretty Little Liars Fan Fiction books courtesy of Kindle Worlds. In Secret Talents we flashback to when Alex Santiago appeared on the show - he was the guy who worked at the Hastings's Country Club they attended and Spencer started briefly seeing him before of course their worlds got pulled apart and Toby came along. In Secret Talents it seems that Alex is not just a country club working servant but also rocks a pretty mean game of tennis and is given the opportunity to head to Sweden to join the Tennis Training Camp over there but due to circumstances, he turns it down and we learn what his other secret talents are. Also Alex is good friends with Zach - he owns The Brew - the coffee shop that Emily works at and is also dating Aria's mother Ella. Zach has a hidden secret though, he is in fact a famous Crocker which translates to Country Rock Singer but he wishes not for anyone to find out , but of course nothing stays private or a secret for long in Rosewood especially if "A" is about and you are somehow connected to one of the foursome as Aria receives a music clip of Zach singing from "A"? What plans has "A" got up her sleeve for the newcomers of Rosewood ?
Find out in "Secret Talents" by Nancy Naigle. Fans of Pretty Little Liars will Enjoy :)

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