VBT# Girl Lost - Nazarea Andrews

Review: Girl Lost - Nazarea Andrews - May 2014
One of my favourite things to read about is renditions of famous tales and other books and Girl Lost is an edgy twist on the tale of Peter Pan. In Girl Lost we meet seventeen year old Gwen Barrie who is heir to the Barrie fortune company. When she was younger Gwen and her parents were on a ship when it was over-run by pirates and they were killed and Gwen found herself stranded and lost on an island where she met "The Boy" and stayed on the island with him till she was later found. When she arrived home, no-one believed her and her aunt Jane locked her up in an mental institution. Now she is out and starting college where she must prove her stability to inherit her rightful place at the head of the Barrie enterprise. Things though will become difficult to keep straight and reality will blur with fantasy when she meets Peter who strongly resembles "The Boy" and some of the words out of his mouth etc are ones she has heard before. Is "The Boy" real and why is it now , he has decided to show himself ?
Find out in "Girl Lost" by Nazarea Andrews and read as Gwen tries to determine what's reality and fantasy and discovers that often the lines can blur far too easily for anyone to notice.
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