Review: Rainbow Fish and the Storyteller - Marcus Pfister

Review: Rainbow Fish and the Storyteller - Marcus Pfister - October 2022
I remember when the first Rainbow Fish book was published and arrived in the library, it was such a popular series and the kids loved it as the rainbow fish was multi-coloured and had the most amazing scales that the children could touch and feel the differences. It was also a good story and the book became quite popular. Over the years, the author grew the Rainbow Fish books by introducing new characters and new adventures. When I saw this one on Netgalley, I was excited to give it a read as also the "storyteller" part captured my attention as I love books about books and stories. One day Rainbow Fish meets Humbert, another fish and he tells Rainbow Fish a scary tale. She believes him and rushes to warn the other fish and nothing happens. As the book goes along, Humbert continues to tell stories and soon the other fish get annoyed with his lies. Humbert starts to feel dejected and lonely as no one wants to hang around him due to his stories. Rainbow Fish feels sorry for Humbert and helps him put his imagination to use by putting on a show for the other fish and becoming their entertainment as a professional "fish" storyteller. Like the other books, this was a cute read and had a feel-good ending, and shows the readers that sometimes we just need a push in the right direction to discover what our talents are.
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