Review: The Honeymoon - Kate Gray

Review: The Honeymoon - Kate Gray - July 2023

Two couples have decided to go to Bali for their Honeymoons and one night, they meet up and have dinner together. They learn that they don't live too far from each other in the UK and all goes well. That was until the night ended and they went their separate ways, One of the couples Erin and Jamie went out to the cliffs to get a bit frisky, and the other ended up back in their hotel - Sophia and Mark. That night, we read as Erin and Jamie end up killing a man, and the next day, they leave to go home. Erin is on edge and Jamie wants things to go back to normal. During the book, we also read about Sophia and Mark and learn that Sophia is a journalist who recently wrote crime but left her job after an expose blew up and caused her to be disgraced and threatened. When she learns about the death in Bali at their hotel, she contacts Erin to get her views about it. Jamie is worried that Erin might crack, so he warns Sophia to stay away from her and feeds Erin back a lie. In the middle of the book, we see red flags about Jamie and soon learn that his ex-wife Clare was killed by falling down the stairs and he married Erin only a few months after her death. Does Jamie have a dark side? On the other hand, as Sophia starts to dig deeper, she finds out more about the other couple and what secrets both Erin and Jamie are hiding. Meanwhile, Sophia's relationship looks like it's hiding some secrets too. The Honeymoon by Kate Gray is a great thriller that makes you wonder how well you know your other half or the people you meet in your daily lives.




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