Review: Cum Laude - Cecily Von Ziegesar
Are you a fan of the Gossip Girl Series written by Cecily Von Ziegesar ? If so , check out her new stand-alone book "Cum Laude".
Review: Cum Laude - Cecily Von Ziegesar- June 2010
As a fan of the Gossip Girl novels and of those College experiences novels , when I read about the release of Cum Laude , I knew I just had to read it and a year later since the original release ,here I am finally read it and reviewing it. Cum Laude takes us into the college of Dexter University, it's the college that those not accepted into Ivy League schools have taken as their second choice or if you fall into the category of lead girls Shipley and Eliza who become roomates, they both got accepted into Ivy League but have chosen Dexter for personal reasons and forms of rebellion. Cum Laude starts with us meeting a handful of characters - we have Shipley-blonde and beautiful , Eliza - gives off this Emo/Goth look , Tom- a jock , Nick- a environmentalist/hippie , Adam and his sister Tragedy - commune lifestyles , Professor Rosen - the only teacher you read about and she's a lesbian and two juniors Damascus and Sea Bass aka Sebastian , reading the name Sea Bass - I couldn't help not thinking about Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl. Cum Laude takes us into the world of college, going out and exploring your surroundings. It's a novel filled with drugs e.g Pot, E , acting , sex , and estranged families. My favourite storyline was the plot between Shipley and her brother Patrick whom no-one in their family has seen or heard for in four years.
A novel that all those who loved Gossip Girl and those who love reading College Fiction should delve into and read between the stacks.

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