Review: When Strawberries Bloom - Linda Byler

Ever wondered what life would be like living in an Amish Community ? Review: When Strawberries Bloom- Book #2 Lizzie Searches for Love Series- Linda Byler -October 2010 You always wonder when you read Christian Amish Fiction , how often than not -the author has actually lived in or spent time in a Amish community. Reading amish novels and watching Amish films like Amish Grace, Saving Sarah Cain. I've always thought that it would have been nice to grow up in an Amish Village, though of course after spending my whole life as what they call an Englischer -it would be extremely hard to give up things that we take for granted e.g books , tv etc to live their ways. One of the things I love I think most about Amish novels is that they are so peaceful , romantic and godly. They don't read as cults but rather happy religious communities. Author Linda Byler herself grew up in the Amish community and is still an active member of the Amish church and she writes a weekly column the local ...