Review : Breaking Up Is Hard to Do - Anne Dayton and May Vanderbilt
Wanting a new Teenage Girl Christian Series to read ? Try "The Miracle Girls" by Anne Dayton and May Vanderbilt. Today's review is Book #2 in the series.
Review: Breaking Up is Hard to Do - Book #2 Miracle Girls Novel- Anne Dayton and May Vanderbilt- April 2009
You can tell that I got this book from the library, the main giveaway being that its book #2 in the series and I have yet to feature Book #1 on my site. It looks like I'm going to be reading The Miracle Girls Series all over the place. Book #2 takes us straight into the life of Christine Lee , as we gather from the book -her mother died and her father has already moved on and gotten engaged to somebody else. To Christine, the new lady Candace is nicknamed "the Bimbo" but after watching HellCats , Im going to go with the nickname Bubblehead. It seems that for The group of four Miracle Girls that love is in the air as we read them all having boyfriends and at the end of the novel we read as some break-up and other's stay together hence the title "Breaking Up is Hard to Do". Is it time for the Miracle Girls to go their separate ways as new romances , friendships , schoolwork and aims for College start to get in the way?
Find out in this jam-packed new Teen Christian Series "The Miracle Girls". I look forward to slowly discovering Books #1,3 and 4.

Never heard of them but they sound fun.