Review: Altered - Aubrey Coletti
Wanting a good Science-Fiction/ Supernatural Teen Novel ?
Review: Altered - Aubrey Coletti - June 2011
Ever thought that your high school was weird and out of it ? Well, think again as you take a journey to J.Alter High Academy. Altered follows the lives of a group of students who have just started at J.Alter Academy. None of them really know what they are here for except that this is the only school that will accept them. As we read on , we discover that this academy ends up being filled with those with supernatural abilities from newcomers Joseph , who can control fire and has the gift of a pyrotechnics - a bit like Pyro from X-Men , Charlie is Psychic and can hear/see things as well as talk telepathically with others , Lieutenant has the gift of telekinesis ,Anton can control electricity and Ann can throw her voice and would make an awesome ventriloquist . The only one that doesn't seem to have any special talents is newcomer Toni. When this is discovered , will she be made to transfer out of the school or will it be discovered that her talent is to SAVE the world and by doing one small step at a time , starting with her group of new friends at J.Alter Academy. Can this group of friends get to the bottom of what the Academy is trying to achieve before it's too late or will the school board and Mrs Carter catch on and the friends find themselves and others slowly disappearing one by one from the campus?
Find out in this awesome teen/ YA supernatural novel that has aspects of Science Fiction - Genetics included.
I'm now looking forward to what happens in the next book with Toni as I loved her courage in and throughout Altered.

Check Out the Book @
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