VBT# Entering the Age of Elegance - Chloe Jon Paul M.Ed Part 1/2
I haven't done one of these VBT# for a while , it's time for a VBT# promoted through BKWalker Books and it's the perfect read for all those women out there.
Entering the Age of Elegance: A Rite of Passage & Practical Guide for the Modern Maturing Woman - Chloe Jon Paul M.Ed - February 2009
Thanks to Chloe Jon Paul, women finally have a practical guide to planning their fabulous journey into their Age of Elegance. Pack your bag and travel wisely and well as a maturing modern woman. You won't find a better road map anywhere to help you through the sometimes confusing labyrinth of second adulthood. Give this book to friends, family, and even the men in your life. Let them travel with you. You will be glad you did.
-Dr. Dorree Lynn, Psychologist, Media Personality, Founder/Editor of http://www.fiftyandfurthermore.com/
Thirty-eight million baby boomer women have already entered the Age of Elegance, which is a new stage of life with a new identity. More will follow; yet many of these 40+ women are making this journey without any real advance planning. Many of them don't even think of themselves as 'elegant' but this transition into the second half of their lives can take place with style and grace.
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