Review: Work Matters - Tom Nelson
Do you find it hard to be a Christian during your working week ?
Review: Work Matters - Tom Nelson - October 2011
Being a christian means that you have to show good examples, christian values and morals during the week , not just in Church every Sunday Morning , How many of us can honestly say that we act like christians during our working weeks ?
Many of find getting up to work a dreary and mundane job , imagine what life would be like some would say if we didn't have to worry about going to work. I'm pretty lucky at the moment as Ive found work and study enjoyable as the topics Im learning and the place I work at is something that I love and enjoy.
Work Matters teaches us how to connect our working weeks with the stuff we learn on sundays , how to input God into your working week , who knows with the gifts that God has given you - you may be able to find a job that suits them as I know for me , I love reading and writing - they are my two passions . My jobs at the moment is working with children in a library which adds my love of children with reading. Then I took the opportunity to start writing for online magazines which lead to my site on Book Reviews. Following Gods calling on your life, can be scary at first but then if you follow and believe in him with all your heart - it can lead you places that you've never imagined possible as the verse "Through God who strengthn me , all things are possible". Impossible isn't even in God's vocabulary.
Work. For some this word represents drudgery and the mundane. For others work is an idol to be served. In either case, a biblical understanding of work as godly activity and a means of spiritual formation is lost.
Striking a balance between theological depth and practical counsel, Work Matters engages the theological basis of God’s plan for everyday work. Tom Nelson explains how the fall has impacted vocation, how God’s redemption touches every sphere of our lives including our work, and how what we do now is connected to what we will do forever. As Nelson connects Sunday worship to Monday morning, he gives readers practical tools for understanding their own gifts, so that they may better live in accord with God’s design for work.

Thanks for your reviewing such a theological depth Phantom! Keep posting.
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