Review: Yesterday's Tomorrows - Catherine West

Ever dreamt about being a War Correspondent ?
Review: Yesterday's Tomorrow - Catherine West - March 2011
Have you ever wanted to go into Journalism ? Been interested in becoming a War Correspondent , going right into the middle of a war zone to cover the activities going on ? I don't really think It's my cup of tea as Im not a violent person and seeing the aftermath of war first-hand would probably change me deeply and my whole worldviews. Growing up , there are at least four wars that made history books - they were World War 1 and 2 , ANZAC - Galloppi and Vietnam War. Yesterday's Tomorrow covers the Vietnam war and starts in 1954 when 12yr old Kristin Taylor's dad Malcom Taylor - a world renowed journalist working for TIME Magazine was sent to Vietnam to cover the war, we discover that he never came home and later in the novel that he was killed whilst covering the story. Yesterday's tomorrow fast forwards to the the year 1967 , Kristin Taylor is now 25yrs old and as grown up following in her father's footsteps of training to become a Journalist. She studied at Princeton and now has been offered the opportunity of a lifetime, to cover the still continuing Vietnam War for ... TIME Magazine. Kristin's brother Teddy we also see is 23yrs old and enlisted in the war and is stationed somewhere in Vietnam. Kristin readily accepts and finds herself on her way to Vietnam to finish what her dad started. In Vietnam , Kristin meets at gunpoint Soldier Luke Maddox when she somwhow ends up in the wrong apartment. As the novel continues we see Kristin constantly banter between the idea of coming to Vietnam was a great idea or a stupid one and when tragedies strike and accidents occur - I too start to wonder if it was such a bright idea. Like most Christian romance novels , despite their rocky start and their continual landmines we see Luke and Kristin develop feelings for one another. Will their Love survive till the end of the war or will it be over too soon as landmines explode and gunshots ring through the air? Will Kristin find the closure she has been seeking for the past twelve years , since the day her family were told that her dad had been KIA and would not be returning home ?
Find out all this and more in Yesterday's Tomorrow by Catherine West, reading the title it made me chuckle as Yesterday's Tomorrow is Today.

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