Review: Kill Me If You Can - James Patterson and Marshall Karp
Are you a fan of James Patterson's novels ? Wanting to read one of his stand-alone mysteries ?

Review: Kill me If you Can - James Patterson and Marshall Karp - September 2011
Are you a James Patterson fan ? Love his mystery side of things ? It's funny , I did an author profile on James Patterson and found an article that called him the Literary version of KFC. As we all know James Patterson very rarely writes his books on his own and more often than not they will say written by James Patterson and ______________. Readers and fans of James Patterson's will notice that he uses a few authors more than once and it seems that he may be recruiting more staff and co-authors as his latest novel Kill Me If You Can is being co-authored by an unknown named Marshall Karp.
If you are a fan of James Patterson's Alex Cross novels , then in a way you may very well enjoy this particular novel more than his other Stand-alone novels as the main characters e.g The Ghost reminded me of the masterminds of Kyle Craig and some of the other assassins that Alex Cross has faced in his past 18 novels.
Kill Me if You Can takes us into the lives of Diamond Smugglers and the Russian Mafia and those poor innocent people , some though not so innocent that get caught up in the hype. Our novel starts with a guy named Walter Zevlas who is on the run with a bag of Diamonds that he has stolen from Prince and Chukov. Chukov has hired a hitman known as "The Ghost" to kill Zevlas and retrieve the stolen diamonds. It seems though that things don't go exactly to plan as an struggling art student named Matthew Bannon finds them and goes on the spending thrill of his life. However, not a smart move as now Matthew Bannon must run for his life and participate in a game of Kill me if you Can. Can Matthew save his and his girlfriend Katherine's lives from all those who want a piece of the Diamond pie ?
Also as we get near the end of the novel , we discover holes in Matthew's story - something is not lining up and how did Matthew as we learn go from Marines to a struggling Art Student , what secrets is Matthew hiding from the ones he loves ?
Find out all this and more in another exciting James Patterson and Marshall Karp adventure - Kill me if you Can.

Hmm, I'll have to check this title out. If you like your Patterson on audio I would suggest cheking out You can find this best seller and more at prices that can't be beat!