Review: Reel Life Starring Us - Lisa Greenwald
Wanting a Teen read ,something nice and light-hearted and written especially for the Teen Girls ?

Review: Reel Life Starring Us - Lisa Greenwald- September 2011
Have you ever felt like The New Kid ? Moving and Changing schools can be very difficult and as someone who has been to quite a few schools over my years - I'm 24 and I have lived in 17 different houses so far. I came from a family who for some reason or another loved to move not only houses but also towns, so I've had plenty of experience at being the new girl and more often than not - it isn't really a great experience.
In Reel Life Starring Us we meet Dina - she's the New Girl, at her old school she was the popular one and now starting at a school formed with cliques and close-knit family and friends - she has gone from Hero to Zero and if her day's as being the New Girl doesn't suck as much - what makes matters worse is that she is continually being "chipped". This is when the classmates prank the loser by putting chips and crumbs in the loser's backpack. Already her 2nd day and she has been chipped twice. When paired up on a school project for the 50th Annual Fair of Rockwood Hills Junior High with fellow student Chelsea , Dina sees this as her ticket to Popularity and no longer being "chipped" as Chelsea is everything Dina used to be - Popular, Beautiful, All the Boys love her and she rules the school. However as we are about to read and learn, appearances can be fooling as underneath Chelsea's popular exterior lies a girl whose life day by day is falling apart.
Will Chelsea and Dina bond over their problems or when their video starts to be known will Chelsea and Dina find themselves living in a Rockwood Hills Junior High Reality show , where everything you see is not always the truth ?
Find out all this and more in Lisa Greenwald's new Junior High novel "Reel Life Starring Us" - a great read for all those tween and teens interested in Reality TV and novels like Lisi Harrison's The Clique series.

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