VBT# Farsighted - Emlyn Chand

Today's VBT# is Emlyn Chand from Novel Publicity's first and it's exciting news too - release of Farsighted - her debut novel :) Now Unfortunately things as we know don't always go to plan , so this virtual book tour Im going to create it on a whimsical night :)
First of all we start this tour with a "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO EMLYN CHAND"

Synopsis: Farsighted - Emlyn Chand -October 24th 2011
Alex Kosmitoras’s life has never been easy. The only other student who will talk to him is the school bully, his parents are dead-broke and insanely overprotective, and to complicate matters even more, he’s blind. Just when he thinks he’ll never have a shot at a normal life, a new girl from India moves into town. Simmi is smart, nice, and actually wants to be friends with Alex. Plus she smells like an Almond Joy bar. Yes, sophomore year might not be so bad after all.
Unfortunately, Alex is in store for another new arrival—an unexpected and often embarrassing ability to “see” the future. Try as he may, Alex is unable to ignore his visions, especially when they begin to suggest that Simmi is in danger. With the help of the mysterious psychic next door and new friends who come bearing gifts of their own, Alex must embark on a journey to change his future.

Chapter Excerpt:
Now please enjoy Fight from chapter 3…
I sulk into school the next day, irritated about the way my brain’s been malfunctioning lately and embarrassed by how I’ve been around Simmi. The last thing I need is more problems. I head into first period attempting to disappear. No such luck.
“You better watch yourself, Kosmitoras,” Brady Evans growls. I wasn’t even aware he had entered the class, but now here he is, uncomfortably close to my desk.
I don’t say anything. I don’t want to encourage him. Even the slightest word taken out of context might set him off. The bell rings, but the teacher hasn’t come in yet. The other students are milling about, whispering excitedly.
“You’re lucky you’re a cripple, freak, or I’d—” Brady says. Why is he still here? I didn’t do anything to make him angry. Some of the students start taunting Brady, telling him to throw a punch at me. Brady laughs; clearly he loves the attention.
After a moment, the whispering stops. Brady’s moved away from my desk so fast I hardly even realized it. I decide to let the whole thing go, but then footsteps come toward me again, carrying with them the scents of Axe deodorant spray and dried sweat. Brady seems intent on a confrontation. Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint him.
Slyly, I nudge the end of my cane across my seat and into the aisle. Not sticking out far enough to be noticed but still far enough to get in the way.
Thud! Brady trips and falls headlong down the aisle.
Ha, always wanted to do that. Sometimes blindness comes in handy. No one would ever guess this wasn’t an accident.
“You better watch yourself, Kosmitoras,” Brady growls, back on his feet now.
“You better watch yourself, Evans,” I hiss back, drawing out the S at the end of Evans. I’m a venomous cobra, ready to spring at the slightest hint of danger.
The bell rings. Wait didn’t the bell already ring? Haven’t I been here before?
“You’re lucky you’re a cripple, freak, or I’d—” Brady says.
“Or what?” I challenge, rising to my feet while wrapping my knuckles around the handle of my cane and solidifying my grip. I’ve had enough, and besides, what have I got to lose by standing up to him? If anything, a fight with Brady could improve my social standing.
The whispering grows louder. Some of the students start taunting Brady, telling him to throw a Brady laughs arrogantly, “or I’d make you sorry.” He cracks his knuckles as if his words weren’t clear enough.
“I’m not a cripple, but I am going to make you sorry,” I shout, bringing the end of my cane down hard on Brady’s toes.
I can tell it hurt, but Brady doesn’t make any noise to indicate it. He’s too much of a tough guy. Instead, he punches me in the stomach.
I don’t feel anything except a pulsing pain in my middle. And anger, a lot of anger. I raise my cane again and thwack Brady higher up—his face, his neck, I don’t care as long as it hurts.
This time he cries out in pain.
Now, I’m laughing. This is what he deserves, since he just couldn’t leave me alone.
The teacher comes into the classroom. The other students grow quiet, waiting to find out what she’ll do.
Brady punches me in the nose. There’s a crack as he makes contact with the bone. Blood spurts out from my nostrils and flows into my mouth—guess I’ve gotten my daily dose of iron now. I almost throw up, but before I can, the teacher is pulling me and Brady out of the classroom by the collars of our shirts and walking us down the hall toward the principal’s office.
Book Trailer:

About The Author:
From an early age, Emlyn Chand has counted books among her best friends. She loves to hear and tell stories and emerged from the womb with a fountain pen grasped firmly in her left hand (true story). Her affinity for the written word extends to absolutely every area of her life: she has written two-and-a-half novels, leads a classics book group with over three hundred members, and, of course, runs the whole shebang at Novel Publicity, where she contributes her business and marketing savvy as well as her writing and web design talents.
The book that changed Emlyn’s life is Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crocket Johnson. It opened her eyes to the world that could exist if only she was willing to create it—a lesson she has never forgotten. She now reads an average of one book per week. While she enjoys all types of novels, her greatest loves are literary fiction and YA.
Her first novel, Farsighted, will be available in October 2011.
Book Purchase Links:

Hi Paula! Thanks for hosting me today and for sharing the news about Farsighted's debut. Also thanks for the birthday wishes, but they're early wishes (not belated). My B-day is November 24, which corresponds to the paperback launch... and to Thanksgiving :-P
ReplyDeleteLol , I thought it was 24th October :P , Well Early Happy Birthday :)
ReplyDeleteThis was a great book! Other's should read it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely blog you have here - and what a great post. This excerpt really sets the scene for Farsighted and it was a book I absolutely loved!