Review: Stefan's Diaries - Volume #2 - Bloodlust

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Review: Stefan's Diaries - Volume #2 Bloodlust - LJ Smith - January 2011
Are you a Vampire Diaries fan ? Have you been following the hit TV Series and do you fancy yourself a Stefan girl ?
In Volume #1 Origins we saw Stefan and his brother Damon turned into Vampires by Katherine whom they thought had loved them. In Volume #2 , we read as the boys attend their father's Giseuppe's funeral and then flee the town of Mystic Falls. In doing this they hitch a ride to New Orleans and discover their first magical Vampire powers. As the boys have a ring from Katherine, it means that they can walk out in the daylight- something ordinary vampires cannot. The boys find their way to New Orleans , though it isnt too long before they are caught up in a world unlike they have ever experienced before and of course Damon is still ever reluctant to accept his fate as a Vampire whereas Stefan seems to be the one doing all the killing which is a sight different from the current time period of Stefan and Damon- it seemed that somewhere along the way, the tables reversed. In New Orleans we meet a new set of Vampires and discover the introduction of how Stefan meet Lexi - whom we remember from the TV Series , though unfortunately Damon got her killed on Stefan's birthday of all days. Damon finds himself in trouble as he is captured by a travelling circus who wants to use him in cage fights , can Stefan save his brother as he feels responsible for turning Damon into who he is ? Will Stefan discover that though they may be Vampires, they are not souless and that emotions can still run raw if you let them ?
Find out in Bloodlust, Volume #2 of Stefan's Diaries and stay tuned readers for Volume #3 - Cravings.

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