Review: When Sparrows Fall - Meg Moseley
Wanting a new Edgy Christian Fiction author to read ? Have you been fascinated by the cultlike churches ? Discover When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley.

Review: When Sparrows Fall - Meg Moseley - June 2011
Have you ever done something that was worth it to protect your children from those who harm them ? Miranda Hanford , a widow and a mother to six children has lived the past few years in fear for her family and of her children being taken off her by Social Services. She also belongs to a church of sorts that fellowships under Pastor Mason. When allegations strike against Mason , he insists that God is calling him to move their church and he persuades the women of the church to sell their houses and follow him like God's sheep. Miranda though, has no intention of moving and when an accident occurs and she finds herself in hospital - she contacts the one person she can count on - her husband's half-brother Jack Hanford. As Jack arrives, it seems that the Hanford household is about to undergo a hurricane of sorts as Jack's ways and viewpoints are the complete opposite of Miranda and soon we read as Jack introduces the children to the 22nd Century of Frosted Flakes, Dr Seuss and Jeans and Pretty Dresses. When Miranda is released , she finds her household turned upside down and soon her religious views and beliefs are on the fence. Can Miranda find the courage with Jack to leave Mason's Church and start standing up for herself and in the process rediscover what it is like to have freedom and fun :).
Find out in When the Sparrows Fall , a great novel to read by Meg Moseley.

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