Review : A Texan Promise - Shelley Gray
Most of us are familiar with author Shelley Shepard Gray as the writer of many Amish Novels - My two favourites being Hidden and Wanted , she has decided to take a different path with her writing and have a go at Historical Christian Fiction which she will be writing as Shelley Gray.
Today's Book is Book #1 in her new series - The Heart of a Hero.

Review: A Texan's Promise -Book#1 The Heart of a Hero Series- Shelley Gray - October 2011
When I first read that Shelley Shepard Gray was going to have a go at writing Historical Christian Fiction , I was interested in seeing whether or not she could pull it off as I really loved her Sisters of the Heart series and her Seasons of Sugarcreek novels set in the world of Amish. I have to admit she has done a wonderful job and reading A Texan's Promise , I noticed that bits of her writing style and themes were similar to Hidden. A Texan's Promise is set in the year 1873 , West Texas of course hence the title :). It starts with the main female character Vanessa crying outside and coming out to comfort her is the main male character Clayton. Clayton is one of the main foreman for Vanessa's family farm. As we discover Vanessa's stepfather Price is an abusive drunk who has tried and will try relentlessly throughout the novel as we discover to have his way with her. Before Vanessa's father died , Clayton made a vow to protect Vanessa from any danger that comes her way. So doing the only thing he can imagine, the pair of them escape and run off into the wild wild west. As the novels goes along , we discover as Clayton fearing for Vanessa's life marries her to keep her safe but what will happen when his feelings turn from caring for her as a promise to actually falling in love with her ? Does Vanessa feel the same way for Clayton as he does ? What happens when Price tracks down Clayton and Vanessa with a gun in his hand and men at his side ? Will it be Clayton or Price we say goodbye too ? Is a Promise that can ruin and end one man's life worth keeping ?
Find out all this and more in A Texan's Promise - Book #1 of The Heart of a Hero - A Series by Shelley Gray that I look forward to reading more of :).

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the world's biggest Amish fiction fan but I thoroughly enjoy each of Shelley Gray's Plain stories.