VBT# Biggest Flirts - Jennifer Echols


Review: Biggest Flirts - Book #1 Superlatives Series - Jennifer Echols -  May 2014

This year life for Tia is about to get flipped upside down and will make her have to take a step back and re-evaluate her life. It all starts when Tia meets Will at a party and discovers that she can't get enough of his Minnesota accent and his fun flirtatious ways. The pair despite their different friendships and cliques start up this bantering game between the two of them. As the year goes on , the pair get closer and closer until it becomes obivious that Will wants more, but Tia has watched her sisters hearts get broken time and time again from caring too much and falling hard for guys and she doesn't want to fall into that same pattern so of course, she does the only thing she can think of. She pushes Will away and at least she has her best friend and no-strings attached Sawyer to hang around with. This move makes Will think that Tia isn't interested in him and so he starts dating the other girls around the school. What will happen though when the Senior Year Yearbook comes out and it has a new category - "The Biggest Flirts" and Will and Tia are named that award. The consequences of this will see Will and his current fling pushed apart , but will this make Tia realise that she really does love Will and doesn't want to lose him and that sometimes in the game of love, you have to take risks otherwise you will never know what you have lost or won.
 This was a real light-hearted fluffy teen novel that is aimed at girls from 14-17 years.


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