Review: From this Fae Forward - AE Jones

Review: From this Fae Forward - Book #2 Paranormal Wedding Planners - AE Jones - October 2016
If you love the paranormal and supernatural and weddings, then you will enjoy From this Fae Forward by AE Jones. In Book #1 which told the story of Alex and Devin, we now meet their best friends Shelia and Charlie. They seem like the perfect couple but there's just one thing wrong with the whole idea - they are enemies, well their clans are and have been for centuries. Shelia is a Wood Nymph, and Charlie is a Sea Nymph. From this Fae, Forward tells readers Shelia's story as it goes back to her childhood to where she is today. We learn that Shelia was banished from her clan by her very own father and that he is royalty in the nymph world. Now that one of her father's council members has passed away, it is up to Shelia's husband to take the rightful seat on the council. There is just one problem with that; she is banished and unmarried. Now that her father has revoked her banishment she is to marry one of her fellow male nymphs, though none take her fancy. Enter Charlie. Though Charlie is a sea nymph, one one of his powers is that he can disguise himself as any supernatural. With the help of his friends, Charlie will go undercover as Shelia's fiance and a Fae. This way, Shelia won't be forced to marry unwillingly. What will happen though when Shelia returns home to find her father being threatened and it looks like the sea nymphs are to blame? From this Fae, Forward was Sheila's story, and unlike the first book, this one takes a closer look at her family life and history. Instead of having her romance with Charlie as the main aspect of the book, this, however, is not to say that there aren't any yummy romance parts as there certainly is. From this Fae, Forward is the perfect read for lovers of Paranormal and Weddings. Also, I am a sucker for this title.

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