VBT# A Harmless Little Ruse - Meli Raine

Review: A Harmless Little Ruse - Book #2 Harmless Series - Meli Raine - November 2016
You know how as readers
when we find a series that we love we want to keep on reading it but the
authors often don't write fast enough unless you're
someone like Alexa Riley? That's how I am
about Meli Raine's new series Harmless. I have just finished last week Book #2
A Harmless Litte Ruse, and now I can't
wait to read the third book. At the end of Book #1,
we read as the relationship between Lindsay and Drew was becoming more
complicated and that neither knew who they could trust. We readers, also
discovered that Lindsay wasn't the only one hurt badly that night and that she
isn't the only one who has suffered as pictures and video of Drew surfaces. In Book #2 the game is getting more deadly as someone
wants Lindsay gone and will do everything in their power to make it seem like
she is the one out of control. They won't stop at bringing her down, and they
have upped the ante as Drew's torment and torture have gone viral. What
will happen though when it turns out that the mysterious person in the Dark Net
who has been helping Lindsay could also be her worst nightmare? A Harmless Little Ruse was just as awesome and
suspenseful as book #1, maybe more so as
this one ended on a major cliffhanger and
readers are left wondering what Senator Bosworth's next gameplay will be and who is orchestrating the games and threats? Is it someone closer to home than
anyone realizes? Find out more in Book #2
A Harmless Little Ruse by Meli Raine.

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