Review: Thirty Days Part #1 - Belle Brooks
You know how as a reader sometimes you grab books because you have seen them somewhere, but you have no idea what they are about? That for me was Thirty Days- Part #1. I had seen advertised Thirty Days Part #2 and grabbed a copy and then I figured that since it was Part #2, it would be vital for once to read this series in absolute order, so I went and grabbed Part #1. I had no idea what it would be about, and all I did know was that the author was Australian and new to the scene of authors. Going into the book and seeing the words Part #1, I do have to admit I imagined this book to be a quick read as often Parts are quite small and on the same par as novellas. This was not the case with Thirty Days, and I also have to admit, I found it took me a while to read, and I am normally a fast reader, but there was just something about Thirty Days Part #1 that took me longer than usual. We first meet Abigail who is nearly thirty, and she is dumped by her fiance Mike. Abigail takes it with stride as her friends beg her to wallow, but six months later everything turns to custard as Mike gets engaged to someone else, her dog dies and she loses her job. This sends Abigail into a downward depressive spiral. Her friends step up and form an intervention as seriously; they have had enough of her Debbie Downer attitude. This leads to Abigail aka Abi getting a job at one of her friend's Dad's firm where she meets a cute guy Marcus Klein. As the book goes along, we read as Abi and Marcus have an amazing chemistry but she keeps dismissing it, and this is where I wanted to strangle her. I have to admit that during this book, I got annoyed with Abi and her attitude as it was like - really, get over it. Bad stuff happens to everyone, stop your damn moping and grow up. Thirty Days -Part #1 gets exciting in the second half as we discover that everything with Abi and Marcus is not what it seems. I shall leave it at that as I don't want to spoil the AAHH moment for you, all I can say is I did not see that coming. The way it ended, I now can't wait to get stuck into Part #2. I will, however, say and let you know readers that Thirty Days - Part #1 does have a lot of Angst in the book and is slow in places and fast in other parts especially as it speeds up when you start to get to the gritty parts of the story. I will end the review with if you loved The Opportunist series by Tarryn Fisher, then you will love Thirty Days -Part #1 by Belle Brooks.

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