Review: My Hope Next Door - Tammy L. Gray

Review: My Hope Next Door - Tammy L. Gray - September 2016
you ever tried to run away from your past?
Do you believe that it is possible for you to turn over new leaves? For Katie Stone, growing up she was a rebellious child and had a nasty mean
streak. She was the type of girl that you never
wanted to mess with and was the Queen B. After an incident which spiralled out
of control and caused a huge backlash in her friendships. She realised that if
she was ever going to move on with her life and become anyone, she had to do it
far away from her hometown and start new where nobody knew her and her past.
During this time, it was a bumpy ride for
Katie, but she changed her appearance to
going along to church. She felt fresh and believed that God had forgiven her
for her past transgressions. Katie
returns home, and it seems that her
hometown hasn't changed much and her relationship with her mother is just as
worst as she and Katie never saw eye to eye. During this time, Katie that she has changed? What will
happen though when her old crowd discover she is back in town and wants to meet up for old times sake? Can Katie be strong and not give into
temptation or will be in this small town lure her back to her old ways? My Hope Next Door was a good bmeets her neighbour Asher. The two
of them went to the school together but ran in different circles. For the past
few months, he too has been struggling with backlash from church members after
a relationship fallout. Is he the encouragement that Katie needs to stay strong
and prove ook, and though it touches a little bit on
religion, it was a family saga type novel and shows readers the answer to the age-old question of whether people can change over time or are people just
pretending to be someone else and hiding their true colours? One thing that is for certain is that you can never run
away from your past, but to grow and
prove you have changed you will have to confront it, and your actions will speak for your character and the person
you are today.

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