Review: 6 Ripley Avenue - Noelle Holten

Review: 6 Ripley Avenue - Noelle Holten - September 2022

This one caught my attention with not only the cover, but also the whole tagline of "One House, Eight Killers, and No Witnesses". 6 Ripley Avenue is home to a new halfway house where the prisoners have been sent to be rehabilitated. The residents aren't very happy especially Helen who led the charge to try and get the house shut down and on her side is Sloane - a newspaper journalist who also is against criminals being allowed out after her sister was murdered. This book is based on the murder of one of the residents Danny Wallace who was a bad seed. Everyone is pleased he is gone, but no one is owning up to his murder and the rest of the criminals are on edge as are they all in danger? Jeanette, the probation officer in charge of Ripley Avenue is about to get a wake-up call of her own. She was under the impression that the house was running well and that she had a great team that she could rely on, but it looks like without her strict guidance they have been slack and making their own rules up as they go along and now that a murder has been committed it's all coming to light. Will Danny's murder be the catalyst to close this project down or will more people need to die before the police take things seriously? As this was also a UK thriller, it is a bit slow and drags in part but overall it was a good read and I have to admit I didn't see the killer being who it was until the big reveal. The other reason I enjoyed this book was that one of my career dreams is to be a crime writer like Sloane - maybe one day.



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