Review : Between by Jessica Warman
Wanting a new teen book to read ? One that talks about Limbo - the space between Heaven and Hell.

Review: Between - Jessica Warman - August 2011
On the night of Elizabeth aka Liz Vachar's eighteenth birthday , she never thought that this would be her last , when she wakes up on her family's boat "Elizabeth" , a thumping noise is keeping her awake so she goes out to check it out . AARGH she screams as we realise that the thumping noise is not a stuck fish but in fact Liz herself faced down in the water. We soon discover that Liz is dead and it seems like the perfect murder as it can be ruled as an overdose gone wrong. When Liz appears, she discovers that she can see Alex Berg - a guy who died almost a year ago and soon Liz and Alex are trapped in what could only be limbo to discover what and who it was that killed them. Between is told from various perspectives as we look at the story from Liz's POV and happily and sometimes sadly flip in and out of Liz's memory bank. What Liz discovers though, was that her life wasn't as perfect as she had it out to be and that her friends and also the one person she thought she could trust -her stepsister weren't really the people she thought them to be. We discover that secrets have been hidden , lies told and covered up . As we go through Between can Liz figure out who killed her and why ? And if she doesn't figure it out fast , could she be stuck in "Between" forever ? With Alex as her companion , we read and watch Liz change to the person she used to be - before the night EVERYTHING changed forever.
A great read and fans of the Beautiful Dead series by Eden Maguire will enjoy Between by Jessica Warman.

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