Review: A Short History of a Tall Jew - Dennis Danziger

Wanting a Jewish tale this Christmas ? A Happy Hanukkah tale ?

Review: A Short History of a Tall Jew - Dennis Danziger- Feburary 2010
When I got this novel to review, I wasn't exactly sure how it was going to turn out and at nearly 500 pages, the book can seem daunting but as soon as I turned the pages and started reading it, I was hooked and the time flew by quickly. A Short History of a Tall Jew in a way the title is self-explantory to the story. We meet Philip , a father of two children and going through a custody battle with his ex-wife over the children Lily and Zach. His son Zach is into Communism , his Daughter Lily wants to be rich and famous and loves the environment and wants her perfect world to be oil-rich. We read as Philip, obviously we can imagine him two ways , the first is that he seems to either be a total stunner as women seem to be hitting on him left, right and centre or that he is odd and only seems to attract the crazy and weird women of the world ,as some of the females we read seemed a bit odd to me and like OTT displays of flirting . Desperate much ??? . The main plot of the story tends to be the on-going custody battles as we read Philip being served and in and out of the courtroom. Will life get easier for Philip or will he lose the children and everything he has ever loved when tragedy strikes and he ends up homeless , unemployed and on the street and his wife gets the upper hand in the custody battle ? Or will this tragedy and the situation work out in his favour and he win the custody of his children ?
Read more in this fast-paced and enjoyable tale of A Short History of a Tall Jew by Dennis Danziger.
Read more in this fast-paced and enjoyable tale of A Short History of a Tall Jew by Dennis Danziger.

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