Review: The Lover's Dictionary - David Levithan

How many ways can one describe Love ?

Review: The Lover's Dictionary - David Levithan- January 2011
Love can be a mixture of things , you can feel too many words to imagine ? The only thing that I had previous read of David Levithan , was the book "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" co-authored with Rachel Cohn. Being a big wordsmith , when I first heard about The Lover's dictionary it sounded like something I would really enjoy. As I opened the book , I discovered that it was in fact like a Dictionary with each page a letter starting with A to Z. With each letter, came a ancedote about love and the relationship between the two unseen characters . They discuss things from their first encounters to their first kisses , to moving in , doing housework together , going to and from family functions etc. It is a short read and one that if you are not a wordsmith or is looking for an actual novel to read then I would advise not to pick it up as it doesn't have a flowing storyline and in parts can seem a bit higgeldy-piggedly. It is also written in a format that is similar to that of Ellen Hopkins Novels.
One thing I did learn though by reading The Lovers Dictionary were more words and meanings to add to my current vocabulary.

It was an okay read for me, too. :) I did appreciate Levithan's unique way of writing the novel even if it did break up the story line a bit.