VBT# Delayed Flight - John Smith + WIN YOUR OWN COPY
Today's VBT# is author John Smith and his novel "Delayed Flight" , readers his name may be John Smith but he definitely isn't your average Mr. Smith.

Synopsis : Delayed Flight - John. J. Smith - January 2011
Veronica, a widow from an abusive marriage, is looking forward to having a wonderful visit with her daughter, Jeri. It had been a year since Jeri moved away to college and Veronica cannot think of anywhere else she would rather be than spend a peaceful Christmas with Jeri.
Jared thought his day had already gone badly when his hiring proposal for consultants was put on hold. Now he finds himself stranded in a blizzard and discovers his rental car has a flat.To add insult upon injury, the keys are locked in the trunk!
When Veronica sees Jared walk into the airport terminal and takes a seat across from her, she can feel her emotions run amok bouncing somewhere between loathing and love. He was the man, whom she had loved and yet he had walked out on her. Jared on the other hand wants to do everything in his power to heal her wounds. In the deepest region of his heart, he wants to start over.
On icy roads, and deep in thought, Jeri’s is suddenly involved in a serious accident, and as Veronica rushes through the halls of the hospital, in search to find answers, she stumbles upon Jared. It is then Veronica realizes at that their present has brought them together shrouded in the events of their past while the doctors feverishly work to save her daughter’s life.
Jared and Veronica were deeply in love as teenagers but then a confluence of jealousy, lack of self esteem, and lies tore them apart. Heartbroken, they each ended up in disastrous marriages the ended badly.
Then the week of Christmas 20 years later they were each in a DC airport awaiting a flight to Dallas. Jared was returning from a business trip and Veronica on her way to visit her college student daughter for the holidays. Snow and ice storms at both airports delayed the flight for hours leaving the two of them to start anew.
Author Guest Post : John . J. Smith
Second Chance at Love
I think the desire to be with someone is very strong, so strong sometimes we throw all caution out the door to see if it would work, and to have that opportunity to do it over with someone who you may have wanted to be with in the beginning is absolutely thrilling, especially if you were really in love.
I wonder how many people thought about the “what if”. I’m not sure I can agree with “I should have” as much as I do with “what if”. What if I was a little older and mature and could have recognized what I had, what if I had a blink into the future to know what I might miss. Would that make a difference, could we/would we convince the other one that this is it, the partnership for life. I like to think so. I like to think, no, I believe there are partnerships for life.
I can simply imagine a high school or college sweetheart who you were in love with going away for whatever reason and leaving you with that empty feeling inside. I know I have experienced it and have often wondered where she had gone, what is her life like, and is she happy. I have even gone through the steps of looking on Facebook to see if she was there, maybe getting an opportunity to chat, maybe meet and have a cup of coffee. It would be very cool to sit and chat about her life. Just the mere thought of writing this gives me butterflies because I believe we all have some secrets in our hearts that we really do not share with anyone and in the blink of an eye, there is that fleeting thought, what if.
Now, would I pursue the chance if presented with that opportunity? Yes, I would. And knowing what I know now, I would want to see if that partnership is there.
Question For Readers :
Have you ever been in a situation with Second Chance Love ?
A: I know I have and funnily enough I'm going through it right now and I think that the bond is still there chemistry wise , but it's not exactly the same as there's a part missing . It could be that we are both older and it has been a few years and we are different people , but we still connect strongly .
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Please count me in. Thank you for sharing.