Review : Devotional Guides for Girls and Boys

Looking for the perfect Christmas present for your child ? One that will help them grow in the Lord's Way and put them on track with God.
Trying to find a perfect devotional guide which will keep them entertained and enthusiastic for God's word.
Look no further as I give you the two perfect devotional guides for Girls and Boys aged 9-13yrs.

Review: Triple Dog Dare - Jeremy V.Jones - November 2011
God's word is a powerful source of our beings and as Christian parents, their desires is to bring their children up in the Word of God. As young kids, their minds can start to wander as they try and fit in with peers and sometimes succumb to pressure , the other thing is kids need excitement , something fun and taking a look around most of the devotional guides - they aren't really that exciting and interesting. Until today , I have not seen a more better and interactive devotional guide for young boys aged 9-13yrs. Jeremny Jones has compiled together a 366 day Devotional Guide just for boys. Each day comes with a Your Page where you draw , write etc. For example on one of the Monday Pages , the theme of Your Page is Self-Control and it asks you to draw it - What do you think reader Self-Control looks like ? It has a small three paragraph Devotional , A Triple Dog Dare with three dares for the day e.g 1)What good deeds have you been ignoring ? Go and Do them now , 2)Look around your home and community , what good deeds can be done and make a list on how you can serve others and 3) Do one anonymous good deed each day this week and last but not least a place for you to write the results of your Triple Dog Dare titled Mission Accomplished - What did you do and What was your lesson learnt ?
Triple Dog Dare is the perfect devotional guide that will keep boys attention span and excite them about learning God's word.

Review: Truth and Dare - Ann -Margret Hovsepian - November 2011
We've looked at devotions for the Tween boys and now here's one for the girls and reading through it , If I had been between the ages of 9-13yrs and gotten this devotional guide for my Birthday or Christmas as a gift, I would have been in devotional heaven as I flipped through it and read some of the daily devotions , it was just that awesome. Each Day , the devotions have a Title e.g The Exterminator , a section of the bible to read e.g Psalm 32 1v5 , a Truth - "Trying to hide your sins from God leads to worse problems and with that comes a 4 short paragraphs devotional message and a Dare - Confess your sins to God .... right away :). For those girls who want a bit more of a challenge and think that they are up for it - Truth and Dare contains what is known as a Triple Dog Dare ( the idea taken from the Boy's devotional) with three dares each day to step onto the plate and achieve - The Triple Dog Dare. 1) Whenever you feel tempted to hide a sin , ask God to give you the courage to be honest about it and make things right , 2) Play hide and seek with your friends and share today's verse about not hiding your sins from God and 3) Have you lied to your parents today, ask for forgiveness and at the end of it as Girls love to write , their is a part to journal your achievements- How did it go and What did you learn ? . Also throughout the book for those girls who have a bit extra time on their hands is activity pages.
The perfect devotional guide made especially for Tween Girls aged 9-13yrs.

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