Review: The Covering - Dana Pratola
Wanting a story about Forgiveness and the amazing way God works in all our lives ?
Review: The Covering - Dana Pratola - August 2011
I don't normally write reviews in Black font, but for some reason I feel called to write this review in Black lol. If you have read the book "The Reluctant Prophet" by Nancy Rue, then parts of this book will feel familiar . As from the first page, I was captivated with The Covering by Dana Pratola , as she had Tessa getting the overwhelming feeling to pray for someone - it was like watching somebody with the prophetic gift of Prayer at work , praying in Jesus's name and flipping through scriptures in the bible. I think people like this are amazing and I love books that enhance the gifts of the spirit that God gives us. Further on in the book, we meet Dominic -Tessa's brother who is also the local cop and read the arrival of Dom's friend Gunnar Mason. He is a biker, and looks like a rough character. Lately he has been eaten up by guilt and the Devil is feeding on it , making him feel worthless and that those around him would be better off without him evading their lives. The quote that first impressions can be decieving rings true in The Covering as we see the relationship between Tessa and Gunnar develop first as friends and confidants - people to talk to and turn to and then maybe more ? But when Gunnar's past is revealed , is it too much for Tessa to handle and will she retreat back to her safe world or will God be able to show Tessa and Gunnar the gift of forgiveness and the power that comes with it ?
As always , I love the stories that come out from the White Rose Publishing House , they are so inspiring , sweet, suspenseful and romantic at times. Though every now and again, they publish and OMG story and The Covering by Dana Pratola is one of those books that everyone should read.

What a wonderful review! Sounds like a book I'd definitely love.